About Michael Althoff

Author. Speaker. Entrepreneur. Redneck 😊.

His more than 30 years of experience in the field of "try and error" on the subject of employee management / motivation / work processes / work-life balance of teams and supporting people in their growth, Michael Althoff is happy to make available to any "seeker". When critics call trainers or managers "shirt-sleeved" to their chagrin, Althoff is happy to take it as a compliment. His approach is to meet people at eye level and let possible growth begin right there. Simple language, simple explanations and playful implementation of techniques are his recipe for success which can be observed impressively in his on-site undertakings. According to Althoff, a theory or a philosophy must have been lived in a testable way before one stands behind a podium and tries to convince people of something.

Michael Althoff_1

"Working HARD will get you SOMEWHERE....LEAN working, however, will get you EVERYWHERE...!"

Together we will work on your team and create a LEAN culture also in your company, organization, group.

Michael Althoff is speaker, coach and companion of your choice.

Michael Althoff
Level of Motivation
100 %
Level of Craziness
100 %
Level of Commitment to LEAN
100 %

With his new book "The LEAN Deal", published in May 2021, Michael Althoff knows how to address several target groups at the same time.
Die Welt des LEAN-Managements erschließt sich in diesem Buch als Haltung, Lebens- und Arbeitsfreude und Wachstumsdünger für Mensch und Organisation.

Michael Althoff

Who is this guy?
Where did he come from?

Michael Althoff is a pioneer for a LEAN transformation in companies, organizations and private environments. In over 30 years of self-employment he was confronted with barricades and organizational problems that both him and his Preventing or slowing teams from growing. He found his solution in LEAN management and often "translated" it incomprehensible technical terms and concepts into an easy-to-understand "do-it-yourself solution" in a step-by-step principle.

As an entrepreneur in global businesses, more than 13 years ago he found his recipe for success in LEAN with employees to prepare for the growing challenges of a global world and to relieve the omnipresent pressure from day-to-day business.
"We have created a professional world in which we can all look forward to the coming Monday every Friday," said Althoff.

The international prizes and awards for himself and his company, Yellotools, show that he is exactly right with this concept. In 2019 he was awarded the "LUDWIG" for special entrepreneurial performance.

As a LEAN Trailblazer (trailblazer), Michael Althoff inspires companies worldwide at congresses, specialist events, symposia and individual ones Individual events to get involved in the logical magic of LEAN and understands it "down-to-earth" both the employees and the executives to be infected by the radiance of Japanese economic philosophy.
Einzelveranstaltungen sich auf die logische Magie von LEAN einzulassen und versteht es „hemdsärmelig“ sowohl die Angestellten als auch die Führungskräfte
von der Strahlkraft der japanischen Wirtschaftsphilosophie anstecken zu lass

LEAN "Trailblazing" -Milestones by Michael Althoff

• Keynote Speaker „2013 Benchmarking & Best Practices Conference“, Indianapolis USA
• Speaker at various professional events in Tokyo, Japan (2017), Bucharest, Romania (2015), among others, Lumics (Lufthansa / McKinsey),  Travemünde (2019), Co-Speaker mit Paul Akers bei Mercedes-Benz in Sindelfingen (2013)
• Speaker GLLS 2015 WA, 2016 Cambridge, 2019 Riverside
• Speaker for LEAN @ Visual Impact Sydney 2014 for Australian Visual Solution
LUDWIG Preisträger 2018 (Besondere unternehmerische Leistung)
• Keynote Speaker Melbourne Business Kick-off AVS – Australian Visual Solutions (2018)
• Speaker IHK (2019) Regionalagentur Bonn-Rhein/Sieg
• Keynote Speaker „Change Management in the era of Industry 4.0″ Congress, IPW 2020
• Regelmäßige Gastauftritte diverser Veranstaltungen des BVMW (Bundesverband mittelständige Wirtschaft)
• Diverse „First LEAN Initial MorningMeeting“ wie z.B. US-Cutter (Seattle), STOMMEL HAUS, Germany uvm.
• Speaker „LEAN im Handwerk“ Zentralverband der Werbetechnik Deutschland in der Handwerkskammer Dortmund (2018)
• Ausrichter und Gastgeber des ersten GLLS (Global LEAN Leadership Summits) ausserhalb der USA September 2018
• Gastgeber und Moderator unzähliger GEMBA/Shopfloor Walks @ Yellotools in Windeck, Germany
• Diverse LEAN-Podcast Auftritte international


This is what other people say about him:

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